Sunday, December 22, 2013

Holiday Temptations- How to Stay on Track

Christmas will be here in a few days' time, and all of my gifts are wrapped and I'm ready to hit the road! Dealing with the onslaught of holiday cookies, cakes and alcohol from work, social events and family gatherings can seem overwhelming. However, employ a few smart strategies to help combat the battle of the bulge between Christmas and NYE:

  • Eat a balanced, full breakfast every morning: Eating breakfast helps to curb overeating and cravings later in the day--try to pairing complex carbohydrates (such as oatmeal or Kashi Whole Grain waffles) with protein (hard boiled egg, cottage cheese) and a piece of fruit.

  • Limit imbibing with alcohol: Champagne makes an appearance on New Year's Eve and I may (or may not) spike my egg nog with a bit of rum on Christmas--you can indulge a bit, but limit yourself to one or two glasses.  

  • Stay active: I will be traveling to North Carolina for the holidays--I created a 'portable' workout for those times in which I'm short on space and time consisting of workout/aerobic DVDs, played on my laptop. If you can bring along 3-5 lb. dumbbells, that's even better.

  • Drink H20...lots of it: Having 1-2 glasses of water just before eating fills me up, preventing me from overeating rich, calorie-dense foods.

  • Maintain your regular sleep schedule: Even on holiday mornings and weekends, maintain your regular sleep schedule and try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Zombie-walking through the day on minimal sleep seems to lead to more frequent snacking on sugary/caloric treats.
What are your strategies for preventing/minimizing weight gain during the holidays?

MyFitnessPal- Tracking Calories Challenge!

One day in 2012, I scrolled through Google’s Play Store searching for the perfect app to track my daily eating habits and I came across a nifty little program called ‘MyFitnessPal‘ (

Previously, I had kept a paperback food journal; even though I wrote down everything I ate or drank, I felt as if I was unable to keep an accurate count of calories consumed. Enter MyFitnessPal.

I dropped about 10 pounds last year using MyFitnessPal religiously to track everything I consumed–it was difficult remembering to add in that 1/2 teaspoon of sugar, or 1 tablespoon of ketchup, condiments, etc.  However, I stayed the course–and I gained a greater awareness of the calories I was REALLY taking in.

Tomorrow I will begin using MyFitnessPal daily in order to jump-start my re-commitment to fitness! I gained 6 pounds (!) in November due to being on medical restrictions from exercising (and eating Turkey Day leftovers for days).

I’m pumped up and ready to get started (even though there are a tray full of cupcakes staring at me this very moment–must...resist...temptation)!

Do you find trackers such as MyFitnessPal useful? Or do you prefer paperback food journals? 

Life is a Journey, not a Destination

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live” – Quite the witty quote

Greetings Readers (and welcome)!

I’m very excited about Dumbbells and Dolls, a new website dedicated to providing resources for leading a healthy lifestyle through nutrition, exercise and taking care of one’s mental & spiritual health. I am also re-starting my lifelong fitness journey after taking a month off, so I will look to you to provide tips and tricks that I can use as well! Maybe we can motivate each other in a world full of temptations and excuses!