Saturday, January 11, 2014

New Year Resolutions...Challenges Abound!

Out with the old (this delicious birthday cake martini)...
...and in with the new (Baked brown sugar chicken breast with steamed veggies and a sweet potato)!

Season's Greetings have said it's goodbyes, the cookies and fruitcakes have been put away and the wrapping paper was recycled weeks ago.

 2014 is officially here, and staying on track with developing health eating and exercise habits is my resolution for the year!

Fitness- My gym can be pretty packed around this time of year, so I've only stopped by for the occasional Zumba class twice a week. Until the crowds die down in February, I'm making good use of my collection of Strength training and aerobic DVDs.

I've always done strength training at home, since lifting weights at the gym can be intimidating (and annoying, if you encounter a random person that wants to give you 'pointers'). So I stick with my 5, 8 and 10 lb. dumbbells and use videos like trainer Jeanette Jenkins' 'Bikini Bootcamp' to tone both my upper and lower body.

An important lesson from last year was that I MUST do strength training frequently (at least 3 times a week). There's no way around it--if I just do cardio, I won't lose any weight. Building muscle has been shown to increase fat-burning, even while inactive! Cardio is fabulous for conditioning your heart though.

Diet-- is my new four-letter word. I prefer the term 'lifestyle change', since I always gain weight after getting off of my diet and getting 'too' comfortable. Thus far, I have been slacking on using MyFitnessPal, but once you fall off the wagon, you hop right back on during the next meal. I gain weight easily, so I know that I will have to permanently maintain a complex-carbohydrate, high-protein diet filled with leafy green veggies and fruits. I have limited my sugar intake, which has had the effect of reducing sugar cravings. Imagine that. :)

For me personally, I can not have 'cheat days', because I will not be 'weaned' off of certain unhealthy foods. I'm a cold-turkey kind of gal. This strategy, paired with increasing water intake and weaning off of my nightly glass of wine, will serve me well in the new year, methinks.

Which new strategies will YOU incorporate in 2014 to help you reach your fitness and diet goals?